Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The Gulf Movement is a Joke

  There are some great people in the Gulf movement that have done some real good for people. There are REAL warriors, who stayed focused on the mission, adapted when they needed to, didn’t just post on Facebook, and did not sacrifice their integrity in search of fame or money. These people continue to fight for the Gulf and tell the truth without regard for public perception. This is not about those people.

  But the truth is the movement itself is a joke.  I have every right to say this. I am a born and raised Gulf Coast resident. I was fighting The Powers That Be before the rig blew and I fought as hard as anyone for the Gulf when it happened. Along the way I got to know many of the “leaders” in the movement.  I helped them in every way I could and considered some of them to be my friends.

  But from the very beginning I stood against anyone selling out or using this cause for personal gain. Some of the same people I helped become popular had to be called out later.

  When I realized Gregg Hall was just using my page to promote himself and milk people for money, I removed him as an admin. I was attacked for calling him out, but I believed that water tests were more important than his rent.  We couldn’t test the seafood and this man refused to get a job and wanted the fans of my page to cover his bills. I was the bad guy and the little cult that forms around these “celebrities” came after me, but I know I did the right thing and time proved me right. Many people now know what I said then was true.

  What was sad, EVERY Gulf leader said the same things about him to me in private, but when they saw what happened to me, they refused to speak up.

  I really like John Wathen, but I refuse to take money from Rockefeller and I will not support any group that does. John got pissed when I said something about it. He said Rockefeller was a “good guy” and he was “proud to take money from him”. He is clearly NOT a good guy and anyone with a computer and a little common sense can figure that out and that is blood money.

  I helped Cherri Foytlin and Drew Landry promote that Walk to Washington the whole time until I realized they were walking the Gulf people into a trap. Cherri spoke at a Power Shift rally and agreed to let them fly her out to speak at more. Power Shift is a complete globalist scam to push a Carbon Tax and pass more draconian laws. I PROVED it was DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO AGENDA 21! I called and talked to Cherri, sent her links, I did everything I could to get her to look at who she was promoting, but she didn’t care. She is “Facebook Famous” now, who cares if she helps destroy her country?

  I helped Kindra Arnesen every time she asked me and even times she didn’t. Kindra wouldn’t have even gone to DC if I hadn’t worked it out and many people know that to be the truth. I pushed every group and idea she wanted me to, raised money for her, gave her a shoulder to cry on, I even got Cowboy Mouth and Dash Rip Rock to agree to do a free show to help her raise money. But some people lose touch when they get a little attention.

  When I realized that Ian Crane had uncovered the smoking gun of the Gulf disaster, Robert Kaluza, I called Kindra and told her about it. First, she was “too busy” to talk to the OIL EXPERT who found THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION about the Gulf and then told me she would have to be careful what she said because she was going to be on a committee.   

  I have come to realize Kindra has many faces. She has repeatedly told me one thing and then told someone else a completely different story. She told me for a YEAR that she wasn’t shrimping or fishing, then she came on the radio with me and was complaining about the lack of fish they were catching.  

How can you call someone a “Gulf Leader” who is SELLING PEOPLE TOXIC SEAFOOD? Sometimes people sell out, just look at Billy!

  Karen “Hellbent” Mayer Hopkins bragged about how God told her to be a Senator while she was lobbying to be able to sell tainted seafood. Need I say more about this wacko?

  The reason the Gulf movement is a joke is very simple, just because you don’t like oil on the beach doesn’t mean you understand how the government and corporations work. Just because you make a Facebook page doesn’t mean you are a Gulf activist.

  These people CONTINUE to show how IGNORANT they truly are by ignoring the evidence against Robert Kaluza and refusing to talk about him or focus on him. There is no question of prior knowledge, the stock dumps by Goldman Sachs and the acquisition of Boots and Coots prove that is true.

  That evidence, combined with the placement of the inexperienced Robert Kaluza on the rig is a serious problem that has not been addressed. This was a crucial point in the drilling process and Kaluza is the one who made all the dangerous decisions that led to the disaster. Who is this man and why has his face been wiped off the internet?

  Why do people who call themselves “leaders” continue to ignore the biggest single piece of evidence that can help their cause? Because, some of these people are fakes and some can be bought off with a plane ticket and a YouTube video. It happens in every movement, why should the Gulf be any different? Research COINTELPRO and stop worshiping people because they made a YouTube video.

  I can sum it up with what a former friend wrote to me a couple days ago:

 You can try to take down all those politicians and corporate figures, good's going to be a very LONG battle, and it'll take a lot of people and lots of money to make the slightest impact.”

  This was a person that helped me run Boycott Bp. Do you see why this movement is a joke? What the hell are we doing if NOT fighting the corporations and politicians poisoning us? They think they can hold hands on the beach or write a letter to Congress and things will change. They want to be called activists, but don’t have the guts or brains to TRULY be one.

  I don’t care what these people think about me, because I have decided to bring the Gulf fight into the truth movement and show people who are ALREADY awake about Robert Kaluza. I got more people in ONE DAY to look at Kaluza, than every Gulf leader combined in a year!!

  For those of you who fight the good fight and do it with integrity, I wish you well. You are surrounded by sheeple and paid shills and they are going to fight you every step of the way. The rest of you can kiss my white ass!

  Here is a link to information about Robert Kaluza for those of you willing to look and learn:

Have a great day!